Atticus Analytics


Hoisst, a leading distributor of food manufacturing products such as chocolates, sauces, and confectioneries, faced challenges in evaluating and analyzing their business development (BD) requirements across multiple regions and outlets. With a network of 12 business development executives and contracts with various confectionery companies, they needed insights to optimize their sales and distribution strategies.


Increased sales volume


Improved sales efficiency


Decreased distribution costs


Reduced inventory holding costs by


Hoisst struggled to understand the performance of their products across different outlets and cities. They lacked visibility into which products performed best in specific outlets or cities, hindering their ability to make data-driven decisions and maximize sales.


Atticus Analytics stepped in to integrate Hoisst’s accounting ERP system (Zoho) with their Looker studio for enhanced data analysis capabilities. By categorizing outlets based on zones, business scope, and outlet types, Atticus Analytics provided Hoisst with actionable insights to optimize their sales and distribution strategies.


Data Integration: Atticus integrated Hoisst’s ERP system with Looker to consolidate and visualize sales data effectively.

Data Categorization: Outlets were categorized based on various factors such as geographical location, business scope, and outlet types.

Visualizations and Hypothesis Testing: Atticus built multiple visualizations of the data to understand the scope of analysis and tested hypotheses to identify the most effective sales strategies.


Enhanced Visibility: Hoisst gained insights into the performance of their products across different outlets and cities.

Optimized Sales Strategies: With real-time data on product performance, Hoisst could optimize their sales strategies to focus on high-performing outlets and products.

Improved Decision-Making: Data-driven insights empowered Hoisst to make informed decisions regarding inventory management, sales promotions, and distribution channels.


Atticus Analytics’ data-driven approach helped Hoisst optimize their sales and distribution processes, leading to increased efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction.


  About Us

Hoisst, a leading distributor of food manufacturing products such as chocolates, sauces, and confectioneries, faced challenges in evaluating and analyzing their business development (BD) requirements across multiple regions and outlets. With a network of 12 business development executives and contracts with various confectionery companies, they needed insights to optimize their sales and distribution strategies


  FMCG Distribution


  South India (HQ Coimbatore, TN)


  ~USD 15 Mn ARR

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